A heat pump uses the heat from air outside to keep you warm inside

An Air-Source Heat Pump installation from Ramsbury Electrical

Extracts heat from the air outside your house and uses it to heat your radiators and hot water.

We’ll survey your home and work out the best air-source heat pump installation to keep your home warm and water hot.

We’ll help with your application for your government grant, and then our qualified engineers will install your air-source heat pump.

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radiator woman and dog-1940

Access the £7,500 government Boiler Upgrade Scheme

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS)

Launched in April 2022, the Boiler Upgrade Scheme is designed to help UK homeowners in England and Wales make the switch to low-carbon heating. By cutting the costs of heat pump adoption, the government will remain on target to meet its commitments to the 2030 Paris Agreement and Net Zero 2050.

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) supports the decarbonisation of homes and small non-domestic buildings in England and Wales. The scheme provides upfront capital grants of up to £7,500 to encourage property owners to replace existing fossil fuel heating with more efficient, low carbon heating systems including heat pumps and biomass boilers.here

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apply for the boiler upgrade scheme

Heat Pumps from industry leading manufacturers

Choose technology from Mitsubishi, Samsung and Vaillant

Ramsbury Electrical offers Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs) from the ranges of Mitsubishi, Samsung and Vailiant.

As an independent installer, Rambsury Electrical is able to offer the ‘best-fit’ ASHP for your property’s particular needs without being confined to the range of a single manufacturer.

As authorised installers, our engineers have access to all training and spares to fully support your installation.

Ramsbury Electrical is accredited by both MCS and RECC, the industry regulating bodies.

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vaillant pump